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Curriculum Vitae


Martin, J.E., Smith, G. R., Hargrave, J.E., and Whisnant, A., 2019. Geochronology and Paleontology of the Paisley Fish Locality, Summer Lake Basin, Northern Lake County, Oregon. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, 98, p. 21-40. [Student Project]


Martin, J.E., Hargrave, J.E., and Ball, K.L., 2018. Refinements of the Late Miocene Fort Rock Formation in south-central Oregon, the McKay Formation in northern Oregon, and the Timing of the Prosomys Intercontinental Dispersal Event. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, (97), p. 165-180. [Student Project]

Christensen, P.D. and Hargrave, J.E., 2016.  Monitoring the Destruction and Natural Recovery of a Monsoon-Dominated Stream System after a Wildfire Damages its Watershed, Stout Canyon, Utah.  The Compass: Earth Science Journal of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 88 (1), p. 1-16.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


McLemore, D., and Hargrave, J.E., 2015. First Occurrence of Lithostrotion (Diphyphyllum) from the Mississippian Redwall Limestone in the Beaver Dam Mountains, Washington County, Utah. The Compass: Earth Science Journal of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, 87 (1), p. 1-8.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


Hargrave, J.E., 2015. “Building a Local Stratigraphic Column: A research-based assignment for an introductory course”, On the Cutting Edge - Strong Undergraduate Geoscience Teaching, National Association of Geosciences Teachers.


Cleveland, C.E., Hildebrand, T.J., MacLean, J.S., and Hargrave, J.E., 2015.  Insights into The Late Quaternary Paleoenvironment of Northwestern Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist: 60(1), p 15-20.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


Kirkland, J.I., Milner, A.R.C., Olsen, P.E., and Hargrave, J.E., 2014. The Whitmore Point Member of the Moenave Formation in its type area in northern Arizona and its age and correlation with the section in St. George, Utah—evidence for two major lacustrine sequences, in MacLean, J.S., Biek, R.F., and Huntoon, J.E., editors, Geology of Utah’s Far South: Utah Geological Association Publication 43, p. 321–356.


Hargrave, J.E., Hicks, M.K., and Scholz, C.A., 2014.  Lacustrine carbonates from Lake Turkana, Kenya: A depositional model of carbonates in an extensional basin.  Journal of Sedimentary Research: 84, p. 224-237.


Hargrave, J.E., 2007. Pteranodon (Reptilia: Pterosauria): Stratigraphic distribution and taphonomy in the lower Pierre Shale Group (Campanian), western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming, in Martin, J.E., and Parris, D.C., eds., The Geology and Paleontology of the Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of the Dakotas: Geological Society of America Special Paper 427, p. 215–225.

Professional Presentations

Yantis. B.; Hargrave, J.; Espinoza, K.; Dodge, R.; Stone, H.; Poirier, C., 2022. Recruiting Geoscience Majors through Combined Service Learning and Undergraduate Student Research Projects. William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium, Abstract, Denver, Colorado.


Dodge, R.; Yantis, B.; Hargrave, J.; Espinoza, K.; Stone, H.; Poirier, C., 2022. Exposing High School Students to Geoscience Concepts through Local Environmental Challenges. William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium, Abstract, Denver, Colorado.


Hargrave, J.E., 2021. Keeping geoscience museum experiences hands-on in a virtual world. Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53, Portland, Oregon.


Hargrave, J.E., 2019. Teaching Evolution Through the Scientific Method. Annual Meeting, Earth Educators Rendezvous, Nashville, Tennessee.

Kaiser, J.F., Hogan, J., MacLean, J.S., and Hargrave, J.E., 2015.  Using Student-Led Field Trips to Create Active Learning Environments and Validate Student Interpretations.  Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47, Baltimore, Maryland.


Scholz, C.A., Morrissey, A.J., Hicks, M.K., and Hargrave, J.E., 2015.  Facies architecture in rifts: Comparative controls of siliciclastic versus carbonate systems in extensional Basins.  Petroleum Systems in “Rift” Basins: 34th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Houston, Texas.


Beckham, D. and Hargrave, J.E., 2015.  Lithology and copper concentrations in southwestern Utah.  Annual Meeting, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Eastern Washington University.  [Undergraduate Student Project].


King, B.M. and Hargrave, J.E., 2015.  Experiential learning to gain a deeper understanding of geological concepts.  Annual Meeting, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Eastern Washington University.  [Undergraduate Student Project].


Hargrave, J.E. and Hargrave, Reko G., 2014.  Teaching observational skills and practical field methods in a core geology course.  Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 46: p. 455, Vancouver, British Columbia.


Christensen, P.D. and Hargrave, J.E., 2014.  Monitoring the Destruction and Natural Recovery of a Monsoon-Dominated Stream System after a Wildfire Damages its Watershed, Stout Canyon, Utah.  Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 46: p. 116, Vancouver, British Columbia.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


Cleveland, C.E., Hargrave, J.E., Bancroft, B.A., and Ogburn, R.M., 2014.  Complexities of modern leaf morphology, climate proxies, and applicability in the fossil record.  Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 46: p. 327, Vancouver, British Columbia.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


Cleveland, C.E., Hargrave, J.E., Bancroft, B.A., 2014.  Effect of competition on water-use traits and photosynthetic traits observed in leaf morphology during ancient plant diversity transitions.  99th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.  [Undergraduate Student Project].


McLemore, D.M., and Hargrave, J.E., 2014.  Fossil coral from the Mississippian Redwall Limestone in the Beaver Dam Mountains, Washington County, Utah.  Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 46: p. 514, Vancouver, British Columbia.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


Yon, J.C.E., Chipman, J., and Hargrave, J.E., 2014. An interactive invertebrate fossil location map of the great state of Utah.  Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 46: p. 504, Vancouver, British Columbia.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


Haight, G. and Hargrave, J.E., 2013.  A preliminary paleoenvironmental analysis of a plant quarry in the Kaiparowits Formation of the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, Utah.  Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 45: p. 127; Denver, Colorado.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


Scholz, C.A.,  Hicks, M.K., Hargrave, J.E., and Morrissey, A.J. 2013.  Lacustrine carbonate facies in extensional settings: Case studies from lakes in East Africa’s Great Rift Valley.  Geological Society Annual Meeting, London.


Cleveland, C., Hildebrand, T., Hargrave, J.E., MacLean, J., 2013.  Tufa Insights into the Late Quaternary Paleoenvironment of Northwestern Arizona, National Conference of Undergraduate Research. [Undergraduate Student Project]


Milne, L., Losee, B. Harris, J., and Hargrave, J.E., 2012.  Can I Bi-a-Valve?  Investigating origins of mysterious casts found in the Moenave Formation at the Dinosaur Discovery Site, St. George Utah.  National Conference of Undergraduate Research.  [Undergraduate Student Project]


Hargrave, J.E., 2011.  Fossil Avifauna of the Pleistocene Fossil Lake Formation (Oregon): Can birds be used as a proxy to determine paleoclimatic conditions?  Programs and Abstracts from the 71st Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology; 121.


Hargrave, J.E., Hicks, M.K., and Scholz, C.A., 2010.  Lacustrine carbonate stratigraphy of southeastern Lake Turkana, Kenya.  Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, 42: 406; Denver, Colorado.


Hicks, M.K., Hargrave, J.E., and Scholz, C.A., 2010.  Alternating silica and calcite laminae in Plio-Pleistocene oolites from Lake Turkana, Kenya, Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado.


Hargrave, J.E. and Hicks, M.K., 2010.  Lacustrine Carbonate Facies of a Mixed System: Lake Turkana Rift, Kenya.  Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 19:100; New Orleans, Louisiana.


Hargrave, J.E., and Martin, J.E., 2008. Similarity of Lacustrine Deposition in the Pleistocene of Oregon and the Oligocene of Australia.  Joint Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, 40: 484; Houston, Texas.


Hargrave, J.E., 2007. Pteranodon (Reptilia: Pterosauria): Stratigraphic distribution and taphonomy in the lower Pierre Shale Group (Campanian), western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming, in Martin, J.E., and Parris, D.C., eds., The Geology and Paleontology of the Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of the Dakotas: Geological Society of America Special Paper 427, p. 215–225.


Roberts (Hargrave), J.E., 2004.  Distribution and taphonomy of the flying reptile, Pteranodon, from the Campanian Lower Pierre Shale of South Dakota.  Rocky Mountain (56th Annual) and Cordilleran (100th Annual) Joint Meeting, Geologic Society of America, Boise, Idaho.


Roberts (Hargrave), J.E., 2004.  Distribution and taphonomy of the flying reptile, Pteranodon, from the Campanian Lower Pierre Shale of South Dakota. In: Martin, J.E. and Parris, D.C., 2004.  Following in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark: The geology and paleontology of the Missouri River.  Abstract in Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 83: 299.


McCullough, G.M., Knell, M., Roberts (Hargrave), J.E., and Herbel, C.L., 2003.  Using synthetic mapping data to analyze a hypothesized Orellan carnivore den in Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 23: 77A.

Invited Seminars

“Fossil hunting in Antarctica: My adventures at the bottom of the world”, Bryce Canyon National Park Geology Fest, August 2015


“Jurassic Lake Dixie in southwestern Utah”, College of Science and Engineering Research Symposium, SUU


“Fossils and the Geologic History of Utah”, Passport to Science Program, Cedar City, Utah


“The Geology of Cedar Breaks National Monument”, Governor’s Honors Academy, Cedar City, Utah               


“Uniformitarianism: Why Lake Turkana, Kenya, is important to you”, SUU Festival of Excellence


“The Big Mountain’s Little Brother: Geologic secrets of the Kaiparowits Plateau”, College of Science and Engineering Research Symposium, SUU


“Fossils of Southern Utah”, Southern Utah Rock Club, Cedar City, Utah


“Women in Science”, panel participant for Women’s Week, Southern Utah University


“Geology of Southern Utah”, Southern Utah Rock Club, Cedar City, Utah


"Fossil Birds of a Feather: What can bird fossils tell us about past climates?", Utah Friends of Paleontology, St. George, Utah


“Fossil birds from the Oligocene Etadunna Formation, Tirari Desert, South Australia”, Oklahoma City Audubon Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


“A Tale of Two Lakes: Fossil avifauna and stratigraphy of the Fossil Lake Formation, Fossil Lake, Oregon, and the Etadunna Formation, Tirari Desert, South Australia”, Department of Geology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Grants and Awards

2023                 Ethnic Diversity, Gender Diversity into Geoscience Curriculum Grant, $5,000 STEM Saturdays. This grant funds the creation and implementation of monthly STEM events at the UL Lafayette Science Museum. Monthly hands‐on activities are prepared and shared with museum visitors at no additional cost. 


                         The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation SupportSTEM Program Grant, $4,872. This grant funds a pilot program to create a STEM kit loan program housed at the UL Lafayette Science Museum. a cross‐curriculum (physical science and biology) outreach kit for high school students. The “UL Lafayette Science Museum STEM Kits Loan Program” will create 6 STEM kits for area schools.


2022                 Ethnic Diversity, Gender Diversity into Geoscience Curriculum Grant, $5,000 for STEM Saturdays. This grant funds the creation and implementation of monthly STEM events at the UL Lafayette Science Museum. Monthly hands‐on activities are prepared and shared with museum visitors at no additional cost. I created and led three of the five events do far.


2021                National Science Foundation GP-UP: Geosciences Students Excelling in Real, Vital Investigations with Community

Engagement (GEO SERVICE) Grant, $364,874. The goal of the GEO SERVICE program is to increase the number of undergraduates pursuing a geoscience major at UL Lafayette by engaging students in career-relevant, community focused, extracurricular service-learning experiences using real-world research questions. Co-PI. (2021)


2021                The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation SupportSTEM Program Grant, $4,253. This grant funds a cross-curriculum (physical science and biology) outreach kit for high school students. The “Geaux PALEOS: Providing Access to Linked Educational Opportunities in Science” project provides kits containing fossil replicas and companion assignments to examine evolutionary changes in horse teeth through geologic time.


2021-2022        Outstanding undergraduate faculty advisor for the College of Science. University of Louisiana.

2020                Earth’s Secrets Exhibit Grant, $15,000. This grant funds the display and outreach of an NSF-funded traveling exhibit. Co-PI with Dr. Eric Ferré.


2019                Ethnic Diversity, Gender Diversity, Incorporation of Halliburton Technologies into Curriculum Grant, $13,500. This grant funds a 5-day summer camp for local high schoolers.  The “Geaux Geo: Louisiana’s Past & Present” program is designed to allow high school students, especially underrepresented minorities, to explore geology and career options.


2018-2019       Outstanding undergraduate faculty advisor for the College of Science. University of Louisiana.


2017-2018       Outstanding undergraduate faculty advisor for the College of Science. University of Louisiana.


2018                Ethnic Diversity, Gender Diversity, Incorporation of Halliburton Technologies into Curriculum Grant, $13,500. This grant was used to create the UL Geology High School Summer Scholars Program.  Local high school students, especially underrepresented minorities, attended a 6-day geology “boot camp”, exploring geology and career options.

BLM OR/WA - Historical, Archaeological & Paleontological Resources Inventory, Research and Proactive Protection, Lakeview District Grant, $20,000. This grant allowed the inclusion of students on the 6-week summer paleontological field project to Oregon.  The expedition successfully recovered rare giant camel, Megatylopus, skeletons, as well as other fauna. Summer 2016.


Outstanding Faculty Member Award, Department of Physical Science, Southern Utah University. 2014-2015.      

Office: Hamilton Hall 327
Phone: 337-482-0678

Lafayette, LA, USA

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